Social selling, slimme sales?

Wie zich online profileert als expert en interactie creëert met zijn doelgroep, doet aan social selling. Een aanpak die tijd, doorzettingsvermogen en strategie vereist, maar die uiteindelijk gegarandeerd leidt tot meer kwalitatieve leads, meer klantentevredenheid, meer naambekendheid en meer autoriteit. Toch vervangt social selling onze traditionele sales niet, een versterking ervan is het des te […]

Why give “your customer” a seat in the Boardroom?

In an era of major transition with digital disruption, changing organizational models, changing theory of businesses, boards need to listen more to the “outside” world of customers and respond to their increasing power and needs.  Every business and every board has in fact the same priority: to create and keep customers. Boards and CEO’s must recognise therefore […]

THE Customer Journey Grows Your Business

In a nutshell, THE customer journey grows your business if  analytics measure and interweave every mark that your customer hits relating to your business, across multiple channels and over specific periods of time. These analytics pool together millions of events, outlining them into journeys that stem from your customers point of view. The approach is […]

What is the X-Factor in Your Business?


Nowadays, it’s too easy for businesses to drown amid growing competition. The advent of user-friendly web-building software and straightforward marketing techniques have brought about a surge of startups and entrepreneurs, making some companies with the most flawless of reputations fizzle out like a dead light bulb. The most important way for a business to sustain […]

Customer Experience is crucial for you.

Customer Experience is crucial   for you. Customer is crucial for you. Yes, it is for sure. It is the key to be future proof. “The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer” as P. Drucker nicely and shortly quoted. This is the start of any business. It should be seen as a cycle, […]

Forward Thinker: Barack Obama


On Friday, September 28th, 2018, Barack Obama was interviewed in Amsterdam at the  Forward Thinking Leadership conference. I drove over 250 km to be there, and his words resonated with us all in the deepest sense. Obama spoke about his experience and compelling takeaways from his time in the White House. Keeping a Normal Life […]

The Disability Service Providers and the Disabled Community

Disability service providers (referred to as businesses throughout) have been shifting to a more inclusive approach for disabled persons (referred to as customers or residents throughout), as well as for their families and caretakers.  Some understand the need for more customer empowerment, or giving disabled persons more choice, authority, and control in their care. A […]

Why Referrals Are So Important For Business Growth

Referrals are so important for business growth.  Acquiring referrals is an age-old, highly potent way of increasing revenue in a business.  A potential customer hearing about another’s positive experience with your business not only brings attention to your brand; it makes people much more likely to engage, make purchases, and stick around as long-lasting clients. […]

Customer Experience starts at home …

                                Customer Experience starts at home … Customer Experience. Nice to have or ? Prosperity in your business and work life thrives off positive experiences from satisfied customers. But nowadays, it’s commonplace for our focuses to be lasered in on […]

Waarom ben ik trots op mijn Nike sneakers ?

Trots zijn op je Nike sneakers, tja. Daar moet een goede reden voor zijn , niet ? Onlangs sprak ik als gastspreker op het Special  Olympics  Scientific  Symposium.  Professor Dr. Bart Cambré, Research Director aan de Antwerp Management School  nodigde me uit. Thema :  incubatie van mensen met een handicap (fysisch en/of mentaal) in de samenleving, […]

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